Sunday, January 31, 2010

Well...Since I'm Officially Your Muse...

It's not every day a girl gets called someone's muse. Just for clarification (I prefer this version of Webster's Definition) 2 : a source of inspiration; especially : a guiding genius. But if you all want to label me your object of relentless affection that's okay too.

On to music. Well, I still have yet to get to Jack's listings and am debating whether the $4.00 for Mumford & Sons' songs on Little Lion Man is well spent. However as I write, I'm taking in the Grammy's.

Total takeaway:
Sugarland is somewhat tolerable, barely, when Bon Jovi joins them.
Pink is incredibly graceful and classy
Lady Gaga and Elton Jon rocked the stage
Rhianna is just weird
and Michael Jackson will probably live on forever

So this winter. Yes, in true Minnesota fashion, is long, really long. Fortunately, Lady Gaga has been singing up the charts and yes, into my heart. I am in love with her, really. Not only is she incredibly musically talented (yes she an actually sing and look good at the same time), she is the first musician to add original artistry to performance. I'm holding out for Album of the Year to be yes, you guessed it: Lady Gaga don't let me down.

But even if she doesn't win, I'll definitely be investing in a couple (okay a lot) of her music!

Four Dollars Well Spent

Apologies for the hiatus, 'tis winter and between illness and the general malaise of January, writing has been a low priority. But alas, I am back, and to help me along, I have invited my friend and muse, Maria, to be a guest blogger. (The pressure is on dearest Maria! LOL!)

Living in Minnesota I am blessed to have a public radio station that introduces me to music I may not have heard otherwise. Today's post will be one of many posts, I am certain, influenced by The Current's staff. And now, without further delay, I bring you Mumford & Sons.

I have heard Mumford & Sons' song, Little Lion Man, play a couple times on The Current while driving. Far be it for me to remember the name of the band long enough to get home and research it, but tonight I heard Little Lion Man while at home. I pulled up itunes and then and dug in. For only having one studio album and a couple live songs available on itunes, I was impressed and bought 4 of the 8 available songs on itunes:
The Cave
Awake My Soul
Thistle & Weeds
Little Lion Man

I will probably purchase the rest of their album and live songs later, but I can only be expected to process so much emotion in one sitting. These songs are rife with emotion, very heartfelt and dramatic emotion. Thistle & Weeds is enough to move me to dance in agony while crying with despair. It is an extremely intense song and, as much as a song can be, cinematic. It evokes memories of a recent loss and pounds out the emotions and grief I still haven't come to terms with. It is beautiful, but you have been warned.

Countering the pain evoked by Thistle & Weeds, The Cave is a rip-roaring romp of positivity, but it doesn't let you forget that others suffer pain that you can never heal. There is some truth in the Johnny Cash lyric "get a rhythm when you get the blues" and this song delivers a blues-busting rhythm complete with banjo. Yes, banjo! I can't think of many sad songs that have a banjo in the arrangement, but if you don't think a modern band can rock a banjo, then you really should give this a listen. My neighbors will surely be happy when I quit pounding along with this song.

I will save the other two songs for another post as now I plan to turn the lights down and listen to some Mumford & Sons on the hi-fi with the lights down low.

Go forth and enjoy!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Single Serving Jack

Hello World!
Welcome to my little space on the interwebs. I hope to make this space a place for thoughts, ramblings, and musings about my favorite past-times, but expect it will be mostly about music.

Yeah The Moon's Too Bright

Many a man could write a treatise on the poetry and lyrical genius of Leonard Cohen, but one lyric is circling in my head on this blue/full moon:
Ah, the moon's too bright
The chain's too tight
The beast won't go to sleep
- from I'm Your Man by Leonard Cohen
What is your favorite Leonard Cohen lyric or song?

Winter Morning Wake Up Playlist

Ever had a sleepy Saturday morning in the cold throws of winter? I have a lot of those where I live. Tonight I put together a play list to help me slowly wake up tomorrow morning. Enjoy!

1. Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley
2. Sea of Love - Cat Power
3. Pale Blue Eyes - Velvet Underground
4. Beach In Hawaii - Ziggy Marley
5. Long Way Home - Tom Waits
6. Let It Be Me - Ray LaMontagne
7. No Child of My Own - Roma di Luna
8. Russian Lullaby - Jerry Garcia
9. I Will Follow You Through The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie
10. Poison Cup - M. Ward
11. Furr - Blitzen Trapper
12. White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes
13. Say Please - Monsters of Folk
14. Magic Trick - M. Ward
15. I'll Fight - Wilco